Education System of the Republic of Cuba

 The Republic of Cuba adopted the socialist form of government as its form of government. The most basic principle of the education system is expressed by the constitution as follows: "Everyone has the right to receive free education at all levels." In Cuba, there were great problems in the field of education before the revolution. The majority of the rural and urban populations were illiterate. The primary goal was to increase literacy rates. Compulsory and free education was introduced in primary schools. The first major change in the education system was realized with the volunteer system. Those who could read and write taught those who could not. Classes are held in schools for 220 days and it is 6-7 hours per day.

Job guarantees for high school and university graduates are guaranteed by the state.

Skills play an important role in the education system.

Putting knowledge into practice is one of the basic principles.

There is a lot of space in schools to provide social development and social cohesion.

Classes are held in schools for 220 days and it is 6-7 hours per day.

Compulsory education covers the ages of 6-14.

His native language is Spanish. Since it is the mother tongue of every segment of the society, it does not pose a problem in the mother tongue education system.

There are 6 years of primary school, 3 years of secondary school and 3 years of pre-university preparatory school.

There are no religious or private schools.

There are 20 students per teacher. In rural areas, this number drops to 11.

Job guarantee is guaranteed by the state.

Primary education:

It happens between the ages of 6-11. Over time, students join the work in orchards, fields, streets. They take courses in Mathematics, Spanish, Cuban Geography and History, The World We Live In, Foreign Languages, Fine Arts, Musical Arts, Natural Sciences and Physical Education.

Secondary Education:

It includes 7th and 9th Grades and is compulsory. There are problems in this period of education, and this area has been intensified. After this education period, the student can go to a vocational high school if he wants.

Pre-university Education and Basic Vocational Education Process:

It is not compulsory and free of charge. It works with the logic of plain high school in our country. In the final year, students turn to the area they want to concentrate on. This is a period in which knowledge and skills are developed and career plans are made. Apart from science courses, students have to deal with an art branch at least 6 hours a week.

Vocational Technical Education:

It is shaped according to the knowledge and skills of the students. The program includes general education and technical education. There are 15 schools in the country that provide education at this level in the field of fine arts.


Every student who has completed the 12-year education period is guaranteed by the state to enter the university. Exams are held according to the interests, abilities and fields of the students. Central exam and secondary education success score are effective on this. Education is free. Every opportunity is provided and scholarships are given. The post-university education process is also free. Students from poor countries are also included in free education.

Special education:

They are schools where children with disabilities progress through school-family cooperation. The general education program is also implemented in these schools with private trainers.
